Common Vitamin Boosts Heart Health by 290% (and beats death)
2 min read
One of the most important things recommended for heart health is exercise.
But what should you do when you feel exhausted after walking up a few steps?
How could you possibly endure the gym?
According to a new study from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, it’s not lack of exercise that prevents us from getting into shape. It’s the lack of one common vitamin.
In addition, if you load up on this vitamin, you’re 400% less likely to die early than when you lack it.
So get in shape, live long and prosper with this one cheap vitamin.
When it comes to fitness, oxygen is king. The more oxygen your heart and lungs deliver—and your muscles use—the longer and harder you can exercise. It’s called cardiorespiratory fitness. And improving it may not be as difficult as you think.
A recent study analyzed cardiorespiratory fitness and Vitamin D levels in 1,995 Americans. The data was collected through the National Health and Nutrition Survey between 2001 and 2004.
Participants were grouped based on their Vitamin D levels. Then, researchers adjusted for various factors like age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and kidney function to ensure accurate findings.
Here’s what they discovered:
• Higher Vitamin D, Better Fitness: People with the highest Vitamin D levels had 2.9 times better cardiorespiratory fitness than those with the lowest levels.
• An Easy Way to Improve Fitness: This suggests a simple link: getting enough sunlight and Vitamin D-enriched foods may significantly boost your endurance.
But it doesn’t stop there.
In the same month, JAMA Network Open published another study. It found that people with the highest cardiorespiratory fitness were 400% less likely to die early than those with the lowest levels.
So, whether through sunshine, diet, or supplements, Vitamin D may be your ally in improving fitness and living longer.
So yes, exercise does matter; strangely enough, Vitamin D makes exercising easier.
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